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An Incomplete Guide: Artist Run Spaces in Gwangju

Gwangju Biennale Foundation

Research conducted by: Mirela Baciak, Mirja Majevski, Mijoo Park, Agnieszka Roguski, Gintani Swastika, Victor Wang, Amy Watson

Research presentation:
‘An Incomplete Guide: Artist Run Spaces in Gwangju’

A research presentation on the ecology of self-organised contemporary art spaces in Gwangju
Tuesday, 30th August 2016, 2pm
Gwangju Biennale Foundation Conference Room

This research project for the Gwangju Biennale International Curators Course, as part of the Gwangju Biennale Foundation, specifically looks at self-organising and not-for-profit contemporary art spaces in Gwangju. It considers how small to mid-scale organisations define themselves, how they operate, what programme they realise and for which audiences; as well as how these organisations began, evolved and plan their future.

The project, in part, was formulated to better understand the local art ecology of Gwangju, its history of not-for-profit and artist run spaces, and their relations to the Gwangju Biennale.

In a series of site visits with a translator, interviews, conversations, and diagram workshops were organised with the following galleries and art spaces:

Mitte Ugro
D.A. Aura
pPong pPong

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