Print Selected Press

Recent Selected Print Media Coverage: Newspapers, Magazines, Periodicals (2021-2023):

Selected Press:
This section includes selected press on exhibitions, exhibition reviews, interviews, and articles.Royal College of Art, London (2022)
+ Royal College of Art, London. "Special Feature: 'Victor Wang is Building a Museum for the Twenty-First Century'." May 10, 2022.
Financial Times (2020)
+ Foster, Kristina. "Victor Wang on his Covid-inspired Institute of Melodic Healing." Financial Times, 2020.
Artnet News (2020)
+ Brown, Kate. "Frieze Live's Experimental New Format Probes New Possibilities for Performance Art." Artnet News, 2020.
Call For Curators (2020)
+ Calvo, Irene. "INTERVIEW With Victor Wang." Call For Curators, 2020.
CNN (The Cable News Network) (2018)
+Holland, Oscar. "Shanghai Takes Center Stage in China's Burgeoning Photography Scene." CNN, The Cable News Network, 20 Sept. 2018.
Financial Times (2018)
+ Seymour, Tom. "Delayed Exposure: Contemporary Photography in China." Financial Times, 17 Aug. 2018.
BBC World Service (2017)
+ BBC WORLD SERVICE, The Cultural Frontline, inteview with Presenter Tina Daheley and Victor Wang (Starts at 7.min)
Apollo 40 Under 40 Europe (2018)
+ Wang, Victor. "Apollo 40 Under 40 Europe." The Thinkers. Apollo International Art Magazine.
Selected Press Continued:
Exhibition: Florian Krewer (2023-2024)
Ocula (2023)
+ Bradford, Phoebe. "Florian Krewer on Masculinity, Anxiety, and Desire." Ocula, 2023-12-13. Accessed March 30, 2024.
The Art Newspaper, China, (2023)
+ Chung, Enoki. "In the No Man's Land Towards Dawn: Florian Krewer Brings 'Good Dogs'." Original TANC Art News Chinese Edition, 2023-12-13. Accessed March 30, 2024.
Exhibition: Salman Toor (2023-2024)
Artsy (2023)
+ Dozier, Ayanna. "Vanguard Spotlight: Salman Toor's Museum Milestone in Asia." Artsy, 20 Jan. 2023。
The Beijing News (新京报) report (新京报的报道, 2023)
+ Guo, We. Salman Toor, “The artist's self-revealing work has become me“ (逛展丨艺术家自揭伤疤的作品,成了我
的树洞), Beijing News report (新京报的报道), 05 Jan. 2023.
Selected Press:
Press and Media Coverage: Pioneering Online Exhibitions Developed During the Global COVID-19 Pandemic.In 2019 and 2020, Victor Wang created the world's first online museum program in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, using technology to overcome the museum's closure and quarantine restrictions.
Moda Critical Review, Issue 1, Columbia University (2020)
Ying, Euphie. "Under Quarantine–From the M WOODS Online Exhibition to Our Changing Lifestyles During the Pandemic." Moda Critical Review, Issue 1, 2020. Published by MA in Modern and Contemporary Art: Critical and Curatorial Studies, Department of Art History and Archaeology, Columbia University in the City of New York.
The Beijinger (2020)
+ Hartley, Anna Pellegrin. "Art and Music Go Online as Beijing's Galleries Find Ways to Overcome Closures." The Beijinger, 2020-02-28.
ArtReview (2020)
+ Chia, Adeline. "Art at Home: Virtual Engagements with Contemporary Art Amid Pandemic Constraints." ArtReview, 2020-03-09.
The Art Newspaper (2020)
+ Tong, Yaqi. "Navigating the Pandemic: Chinese Museums' Swift Adaptation and Innovative Solutions." The Art Newspaper, 2020-03-04.
Artforum (2020)
+ Garza, Evan. "New Horizons: Evan Garza on Animal Crossing’s Art Offerings." Artforum, April 13, 2020.
RADII (2020)
+ Newby, Jake. "Beijing Art Museum M WOODS Invades 'Animal Crossing': A Digital Leap Amid Lockdown." RADII, 2020-04-09.
ADF Web Magazine (2020)
+ Migliore, Enza. "The Viral Power of Art: Creative Approaches and Reflections at the Time of Pandemia." ADF Web Magazine, 2020-03-11. (2020)
+ Grego, Francesca. "The Wind of Ideas from the East: Art Does Not Surrender, It Renews - The Experiences of Chinese Museums.", 2020-03-11.
Exhibition: Martin Margiela (2022-2023)
Life and Arts 集锦 (2022)
+ Yorilyu, Pan. "Martin Margiela: The Determination to Be Someone Else." in "Life and Arts Magazine," edited by Pan Li and Yi Fei, 18 Aug. 2022
Wallpaper Magazine China (2022)
+ Wang, Victor. "Special Edition for the Opening of 'Martin Margiela at M WOODS'." Interview by Wall Paper, Wall Paper China, August 2022. Print
China Daily News
+ Xu, Haoyu. "Through the Eyes of a Former Fashion Guru." China Daily, 24 Sept. 2022
Exhibition: Bruce Nauman (2022-2023)
TANC, Art Newspaper, China (2022)
+ TANC, Art Newspaper, China (艺术新闻中文版), exhibition review of “BRUCE NAUMAN: OK OK OK”, (布鲁斯·瑙曼的录像艺术实验为什么重要?在他的首个中国美术馆个展中寻找答案), by 孟宪晖. M WOODS, 2022.
Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA Beijing) (2022)
+ CAFA Beijing recommended exhibition review of “BRUCE NAUMAN: OK OK OK”, (CAFA荐展|布鲁斯·瑙曼:影像、声音与脆弱不安的身体), by 罗逸飞, M WOODS, 2022.
Exhibition: “Italian Renaissance Drawings: A Dialogue with China” (2021-2022)
The Art Newspaper, China (2022)
+ TANC, Art Newspaper, China (艺术新闻中文版), exhibition review of “Italian Renaissance Drawings: A Dialogue with China”, (会话绘画|迪赛诺 (Disegno): 由“意大利文艺复兴纸上绘画展”再看素描), by 贺潇. M WOODS, 2022.
Yi Tiao, (一条), Art and Culture (2021)
+ Yi Tiao, (一条), exhibition review of “Italian Renaissance Drawings: A Dialogue with China”, by 朱玉茹. (2021年压轴大展!一窥45位天才的传奇手稿), 2021.
The Central Academy of Fine Arts Journal (CAFA) (2021)
+ Luo Yifei, "How did Renaissance artists work? On Italian Renaissance Drawings: A Dialogue with China," CAFA Art Info (2021), translated by Sue.
CGTN (China Global Television Network)
+CGTN, "Italian Renaissance drawings set for Beijing debut," CGTN (2021).
The Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) (2021)
+ Victor Wang, M WOODS and Sarah Vowles, British Museum, Italian Renaissance Drawings: A Dialogue with China, CAFA Art Info, 2021.
British Council
+ British Council, "Live Talk – Dialogues: Renaissance Masters and Chinese Contemporary Art," British Council China (2021).
Exhibition: Giorgio Morandi: The Poetics of Stillness (2020)
Vouge Magazine (Vouge me) (2021)
+ Vogue Magazine. 'Exhibition Review of "Giorgio Morandi."' What's Hot. Pg. 10-12. February 2021. Print edition.
TANC, Art Newspaper, China (2020)
+ TANC, Art Newspaper, China (艺术新闻中文版), exhibition review of “Giorgio Morandi”, (走出被误读的“莫兰迪色”,在他的首次中国个展中重新认识这位隐士艺术家), by 黄辉. at M WOODS, 2020.
+ Artribune, ‘Giorgio Morandi per la prima volta in Cina’, Ambra Patarini, 2021
+ 艺术新闻 The Art Newspaper
+ 雅昌网 Artron
【雅昌专稿】莫兰迪亚洲最大规模个展亮相木木美术馆 尽情享受“桌上的宁静风景”
+ hi艺术 他来了!莫兰迪的国内首场美术馆个展终于开幕
+ 凤凰艺术
+ 新华网 Xinhua Net
+ 澎湃 the paper
'Poetics of stillness:' Giorgio Morandi's first museum exhibition in China
Exhibition: Dangdai Yishu: Lisson Gallery (2019)
+ Ocula, Sam Gaskin, “Afterimage: Dangdai Yishu at Lisson Gallery, London,” August 22 2019
+ Painter China, “Afterimage: Dangdai Yishu,” June 1 2019
+ Artcm, “Afterimage: Dangdai Yishu,” June 2019
+ Luster Magazine, Armando Díaz Pantoja, “Exposiciones contemporáneas en Lisson Gallery,” June 6 2019
+ Dangdai Yishu, “Afterimage: Dangdai Yishu,” June 11 2019
+ Diao Su Jia, “Afterimage: Dangdai Yishu,” June 11 2019
+ Guo Hua Jia, “Afterimage: Dangdai Yishu,” June 11 2019
+ Modern O2, “Exhibition | Afterimage: Dangdai Yishu,” June 13 2019
+ Arthing, “Afterimage: Dangdai Yishu,” June 30 2019
+ UK Now, “Recommendation | Lisson Gallery Summer Exhibition - Afterimage: Dangdai Yishu,” June 30 2019
+ It’s Nice That, “Exhibitions and events to add to your diary for July!” July 1 2019
+ Artlinkart, “Afterimage: Dangdai Yishu,” July 1 2019
+ Artland, “Afterimage: Dangdai Yishu,” July 2 2019 + Hi-art, “[Hi Itinerary] July, the art circle’s off season? No Way!” July 2 2019 + Ocula, “Group Exhibition Afterimage: Dangdai Yishu,” July 2 2019
+ Galleries Now, “Afterimage: Dangdai Yishu,” July 3 2019 + Artnet News, “Art Industry News: Artist Xaviera Simmons Says Critics Got This Year’s Whitney Biennial Totally, Offensively Wrong + Other Stories,” July 3 2019 + Arteviste, “A Review of Afterimage: Dangdai Yishu at Lisson Gallery, London,” July 10 2019
+ Because London, “Your July Agenda,” July 11 2019
+ CoBo Social, “Witness to Growth – After Image: Dangdai Yishu at London’s Lisson Gallery,” July 23 2019
+ YT Media, “How to Situate Chinese Contemporary Art Historically,” August 2 2019 + Gallery Girl, “Afterimage: Dangdai Yishu @ Lisson,” August 7 2019
+ Ian the Architect, Ian Caldwell, “Changing Chinese Cultures: ‘Afterimage: Dangdai Yishu’ at Lisson Gallery.” August 8 2019 + ArtAsiaPacific, Ned Carter Miles, “Afterimage: Dangdai Yishu,” August 14 2019
+ Metal Magazine, “Afterimage: Dangdai Yishu Existing, Neither Between Time Nor Space,” August 15 2019
Exhibition: Micro Era: Media Art from China (2019)
The Berliner (2019)
+ Ellen Lang, "From hell to outer space: Micro Era," The Berliner (2019).
Exhibition: Haroon Mirza: Tones in the Key of Electricity (2019)
+ ARTFORUM, (in print) Travis Jeppesen, “Haroon Mirza, SIFANG ART MUSEUM,’” ARTFORUM, Dec, 2019
+ ARTFORUM, Yang Yang, “Haroon Mirza on ‘Tones in the Key of Electricity,’” ARTFORUM, June 18, 2019
+ArtShard Magazine, ‘There is no “Benjamin’s aura” in this world’, by Xingru Long, Haroon Mirza, July 5, 2019
+ The Art Newspaper, “Moving through the sound environment of 50 Hz in Sifang, Haroon Mirza discusses the meaning of ‘replica’ and ‘appropriation’ in China,” TANC, June 14, 2019
Exhibition: Richard Tuttle: Introduction To Practice (2019)
+ Artsy, “Richard Tuttle: Introduction To Practice”, Artsy
+ BLOUIN ARTINFO, “Richard Tuttle’s ‘Double Corners and Colored Wood’ at Pace Gallery, Beijing,” BLOUIN ARTINFO, Mar 28, 2019
+ NetEase Art, “Exhibition: On Richard Tuttle’s ‘Art for Life’ 展讯:聚焦于理查德·塔特尔“为生活而艺术,”NetEase Art, Mar 19, 2019
+ “Richard Tuttle | The Opening of His Survey Exhibition in M Woods and Pace Gallery Beijing 理查德·塔特尔| 回顾展暨新作展于木木美术馆与佩斯画廊同期开幕,” Kuyishi, Mar 18, 2019
+ The Art Newspaper, by Meng Xianhui, “Richard Tuttle’s Returning as A Gift to Beijing, On the Metaphysics of Treatise on Stars and Rope Piece 理查德·塔特尔给北京的回赠,《繁星论》与《绳索》如何通向形而上,” The Art Newspaper, Mar 18, 2019
+ VICE, by Lu Ran, “Richard Tuttle: Creation, Life, and Wisdom 理查德·塔特尔:创作、生活和智慧,” VICE, Mar 15, 2019
+ Shu Art, “理查德·塔特尔:极简主义解决一切问题但是无法解决背景问题,” Shu Art, Mar 18, 2019
Exhibition: PHOTOFAIRS SHANGHAI, The Same But Also Changed (Wùshìrénfēi) (2018)
+ Financial Times, by Tom Seymour, ‘Delayed exposure: contemporary photography in China’, Financial Times, AUGUST 17, 2018
+ Artsy, by Sam Gaskin, “Banned in 1999, a Legendary Chinese Photography Show Is Restaged”, Artsy, Sept 18, 2018
+ The Artling, by Grace Ignacia See, ‘An Interview with Victor Wang王宗孚, Curator of the Upcoming 'Insights' Exhibition at PHOTOFAIRS, Shanghai’ The Artling, August 13, 2018
Exhibition: Institute of Asian Performance Art (2018)
+ Artforum, China, review of ‘Institute of Asian Performance Art‘ by Ying-Hsuan Tai, Dec 11 2018
Exhibition: Zhongguo 2185 (2017)
+ BBC WORLD SERVICE, The Cultural Frontline, inteview with Presenter Tina Daheley and Victor Wang , ‘How I Made My Own Emoji’, (Starts at 7.min)
+ ArtReview, by Mingwei Song, October Issue, 2017
+ Time Out London, 4 Stars for Time Out. Eddy Frankel, ‘Zhongguo 2815’, Time Out London, 29 September 2017
+ ArtAsiaPacific, Piers Masterson, ‘Zhongguo 2185’, ArtAsiaPacific, 23 October 2017
+ GARAGE, Niru Ratnam, ‘What Does the Future Hold for Chinese Art?’, GARAGE, 09 October 2017
+‘The debut of China’s new generation of artists has been hotly discussed in London Frieze’, Tatler, 11 October 2017
+ TANC | “徐震超市”伦敦“开业”,《中国2185》同时登场 The Art Newspaper, 采访、撰文/傅译文,
+ Cura Magazine, “ZHONGGUO 2185 AND XU ZHEN AT SADIE COLES, LONDON“, Cura Magazine, 12 October 2017
+ Blouin Art Info, ‘"Zhongguo 2185," a Group Exhibition Curated by Victor Wang at Sadie Coles, London’, Blouin Art Info, 11 October 2017
Exhibition: Rehearsals from the Korean Avant-Garde Performance Archive (2017)
+ The Economist, 'When South Korea was poor, repressive—and super-cool', July 11th 2017
by J.U.S.
+ ArtReview Asia Magazine, Autumn 2017, ‘Rehearsals from the Korean Avant-Garde Performance Archive’ at Korean Cultural Center, London, by Fi Churchman
+ The Guardian, ‘Korea's avant garde go nuclear – in pictures’, Thursday 17 August 2017
Exhibition: Neil Beloufa Soft(a)ware (2016)
+ Art Radar Journal, ‘French-Algerian artist Neïl Beloufa’s “Soft(a)ware” at K11 Art Foundation’ – artist profile, by Rebecca Close, Nov 2016
+ The Art Newspaper, ‘TANC | 以数码艺术叙写新世界:关小、尼尔·贝卢法个展与“HACK SPACE”在chi K11开幕’,
+ 最独特的当代艺术展——关小:弹性睡眠/Neïl Beloufa:软.见&hack space即将全新开幕
Exhibition: XUZHEN Supermarket (2017)
+ The Art Newspaper , Jane Morris and Hannah McGivern, ‘Three to See: London’, for The Art Newspaper featuring XUZHEN Supermarket and Zhongguo 2185.
+‘Why is it crowded in a supermarket selling vacant packages in London?’, Hertz, 10 October 2017
+‘The Art Newspaper China, XUZHEN Supermarket opens in London, and at the same time Zhongguo 2185 is staged’, The Art Newspaper China, 04 October 2017
+ TANC | “徐震超市”伦敦“开业”,《中国2185》同时登场 The Art Newspaper, 采访、撰文/傅译文,
+ Cura Magazine, “ZHONGGUO 2185 AND XU ZHEN AT SADIE COLES, LONDON“, Cura Magazine, 12 October 2017
+ The Saces, 9 installations to catch when Frieze London comes to town, ART, Sept 29, 2017, By ELLIE HOWARD
+ XUZHEN SUPERMARKET, Whitelies Magazine,, October, 2017
Exhibition: Katja Novitskova: 洛基的城堡 (2017)
+ Vice China - The Creators Project
+ The Art Newspaper China
《Cc艺术打造全新海洋美学:带你去看“洛基的城堡”》, 2017.09.11
Exhibition: Oliver Laric: Giving Away the Moulds Will Cause No Damage to His Majesty’s Casts
+ This is tomorrow contemporary art magazine, ‘Oliver Laric: Giving Away the Moulds Will Cause No Damage to His Majesty’s Casts’, Review by Debra Lennard, Published on 2 June 2015
+ International Sculpture Centre, By Will Gresson, ’Oliver Laric, ‘Giving Away the Moulds Will Cause No Damage to His Majesty’s Casts’, June, 2015
+ Artspace Magazine, ‘Oliver Laric Exalts the Ersatz in His New Show at London's Austrian Cultural Forum’, By Mat Smith, MAY 21, 2015
All content property of © Victor Wang 2009 - 2024 All rights reserved -- BEIJING - LONDON.
All content property of © Victor Wang 2009 - 2024 All rights reserved -- BEIJING - LONDON.