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Print Selected Press         

Image: “Victor Wang on his Covid-inspired Institute of Melodic Healing," Financial Times, article, October 2, 2020,

Recent Selected Print Media Coverage: Newspapers, Magazines, Periodicals (2021-2023):

Selected Press:

This section includes selected press on exhibitions, exhibition reviews, interviews, and articles.

Royal College of Art, London (2022)

+ Royal College of Art, London. "Special Feature: 'Victor Wang is Building a Museum for the Twenty-First Century'." May 10, 2022.

Financial Times (2020)

+ Foster, Kristina. "Victor Wang on his Covid-inspired Institute of Melodic Healing." Financial Times, 2020.

Artnet News (2020)

+ Brown, Kate. "Frieze Live's Experimental New Format Probes New Possibilities for Performance Art." Artnet News, 2020.

Call For Curators (2020)

+ Calvo, Irene. "INTERVIEW With Victor Wang." Call For Curators, 2020.

CNN (The Cable News Network) (2018)

+Holland, Oscar. "Shanghai Takes Center Stage in China's Burgeoning Photography Scene." CNN, The Cable News Network, 20 Sept. 2018.

Financial Times (2018)

+ Seymour, Tom. "Delayed Exposure: Contemporary Photography in China." Financial Times, 17 Aug. 2018.

BBC World Service (2017)

+ BBC WORLD SERVICE, The Cultural Frontline, inteview with Presenter Tina Daheley and Victor Wang (Starts at 7.min)

Apollo 40 Under 40 Europe (2018)

+ Wang, Victor. "Apollo 40 Under 40 Europe." The Thinkers. Apollo International Art Magazine.

Selected Press Continued:

Exhibition: Florian Krewer (2023-2024)

Ocula (2023)

+ Bradford, Phoebe. "Florian Krewer on Masculinity, Anxiety, and Desire." Ocula, 2023-12-13. Accessed March 30, 2024.

The Art Newspaper, China, (2023)
+ Chung, Enoki. "In the No Man's Land Towards Dawn: Florian Krewer Brings 'Good Dogs'." Original TANC Art News Chinese Edition, 2023-12-13. Accessed March 30, 2024.

Exhibition: Salman Toor (2023-2024)

Artsy (2023)

+ Dozier, Ayanna. "Vanguard Spotlight: Salman Toor's Museum Milestone in Asia." Artsy, 20 Jan. 2023。

The Beijing News (新京报) report (新京报的报道, 2023)

+ Guo, We. Salman Toor, “The artist's self-revealing work has become me“ (逛展丨艺术家自揭伤疤的作品,成了我
的树洞), Beijing News report (新京报的报道), 05 Jan. 2023. 

Selected Press:

Press and Media Coverage: Pioneering Online Exhibitions Developed During the Global COVID-19 Pandemic.

In 2019 and 2020, Victor Wang created the world's first online museum program in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, using technology to overcome the museum's closure and quarantine restrictions.

Moda Critical Review, Issue 1, Columbia University (2020)

Ying, Euphie. "Under Quarantine–From the M WOODS Online Exhibition to Our Changing Lifestyles During the Pandemic." Moda Critical Review, Issue 1, 2020. Published by MA in Modern and Contemporary Art: Critical and Curatorial Studies, Department of Art History and Archaeology, Columbia University in the City of New York.

The Beijinger (2020)

+ Hartley, Anna Pellegrin. "Art and Music Go Online as Beijing's Galleries Find Ways to Overcome Closures." The Beijinger, 2020-02-28.

ArtReview (2020)

+ Chia, Adeline. "Art at Home: Virtual Engagements with Contemporary Art Amid Pandemic Constraints." ArtReview, 2020-03-09.

The Art Newspaper (2020)

+ Tong, Yaqi. "Navigating the Pandemic: Chinese Museums' Swift Adaptation and Innovative Solutions." The Art Newspaper, 2020-03-04.

Artforum (2020)

+ Garza, Evan. "New Horizons: Evan Garza on Animal Crossing’s Art Offerings." Artforum, April 13, 2020.

RADII (2020)

+ Newby, Jake. "Beijing Art Museum M WOODS Invades 'Animal Crossing': A Digital Leap Amid Lockdown." RADII, 2020-04-09.

ADF Web Magazine (2020)

+ Migliore, Enza. "The Viral Power of Art: Creative Approaches and Reflections at the Time of Pandemia." ADF Web Magazine, 2020-03-11. (2020)

+ Grego, Francesca. "The Wind of Ideas from the East: Art Does Not Surrender, It Renews - The Experiences of Chinese Museums.", 2020-03-11.

Exhibition: Martin Margiela (2022-2023)

Life and Arts 集锦 (2022)

+ Yorilyu, Pan. "Martin Margiela: The Determination to Be Someone Else." in "Life and Arts Magazine," edited by Pan Li and Yi Fei, 18 Aug. 2022

Wallpaper Magazine China (2022)

+ Wang, Victor. "Special Edition for the Opening of 'Martin Margiela at M WOODS'." Interview by Wall Paper, Wall Paper China, August 2022. Print

China Daily News

+ Xu, Haoyu. "Through the Eyes of a Former Fashion Guru." China Daily, 24 Sept. 2022  

Exhibition: Bruce Nauman  (2022-2023)

TANC, Art Newspaper, China (2022)

+ TANC, Art Newspaper, China (艺术新闻中文版), exhibition review of “BRUCE NAUMAN: OK OK OK”, (布鲁斯·瑙曼的录像艺术实验为什么重要?在他的首个中国美术馆个展中寻找答案), by 孟宪晖. M WOODS, 2022.

Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA Beijing) (2022)

+ CAFA Beijing recommended exhibition review of “BRUCE NAUMAN: OK OK OK”, (CAFA荐展|布鲁斯·瑙曼:影像、声音与脆弱不安的身体), by 罗逸飞, M WOODS, 2022.

Exhibition: “Italian Renaissance Drawings: A Dialogue with China”  (2021-2022)

The Art Newspaper, China (2022)

+ TANC, Art Newspaper, China (艺术新闻中文版), exhibition review of “Italian Renaissance Drawings: A Dialogue with China”, (会话绘画|迪赛诺 (Disegno): 由“意大利文艺复兴纸上绘画展”再看素描), by 贺潇. M WOODS, 2022.

Yi Tiao, (一条), Art and Culture (2021)

+ Yi Tiao, (一条), exhibition review of “Italian Renaissance Drawings: A Dialogue with China”, by 朱玉茹. (2021年压轴大展!一窥45位天才的传奇手稿), 2021.

Vouge Magazine (Vouge me) (2021)

+ Vogue Magazine. 'Exhibition Review of "Giorgio Morandi."' What's Hot. Pg. 10-12. February 2021. Print edition.

TANC, Art Newspaper, China (2020)

+ TANC, Art Newspaper, China (艺术新闻中文版), exhibition review of “Giorgio Morandi”, (走出被误读的“莫兰迪色”,在他的首次中国个展中重新认识这位隐士艺术家), by 黄辉. at M WOODS, 2020.

Exhibition: Giorgio Morandi: The Poetics of Stillness (2020)
+ Artribune, ‘Giorgio Morandi per la prima volta in Cina’, Ambra Patarini, 2021

+ 艺术新闻 The Art Newspaper

+ 雅昌网 Artron
【雅昌专稿】莫兰迪亚洲最大规模个展亮相木木美术馆 尽情享受“桌上的宁静风景”

+ hi艺术 他来了!莫兰迪的国内首场美术馆个展终于开幕

+ 凤凰艺术

+ 新华网 Xinhua Net

+ 澎湃 the paper

'Poetics of stillness:' Giorgio Morandi's first museum exhibition in China

Exhibition: Dangdai Yishu: Lisson Gallery (2019)

+  Ocula, Sam Gaskin, “Afterimage: Dangdai Yishu at Lisson Gallery, London,” August 22 2019

Painter China, “Afterimage: Dangdai Yishu,” June 1 2019

+  Artcm, “Afterimage: Dangdai Yishu,” June 2019

+ Luster Magazine, Armando Díaz Pantoja, “Exposiciones contemporáneas en Lisson Gallery,” June 6 2019

+ Dangdai Yishu, “Afterimage: Dangdai Yishu,” June 11 2019

+ Diao Su Jia, “Afterimage: Dangdai Yishu,” June 11 2019

+ Guo Hua Jia, “Afterimage: Dangdai Yishu,” June 11 2019

+ Modern O2, “Exhibition | Afterimage: Dangdai Yishu,” June 13 2019

+ Arthing, “Afterimage: Dangdai Yishu,” June 30 2019

+ UK Now, “Recommendation | Lisson Gallery Summer Exhibition - Afterimage: Dangdai Yishu,” June 30 2019

+  It’s Nice That, “Exhibitions and events to add to your diary for July!” July 1 2019

+  Artlinkart, “Afterimage: Dangdai Yishu,” July 1 2019

+  Artland, “Afterimage: Dangdai Yishu,” July 2 2019 +  Hi-art, “[Hi Itinerary] July, the art circle’s off season? No Way!” July 2 2019 +  Ocula, “Group Exhibition Afterimage: Dangdai Yishu,” July 2 2019

+  Galleries Now, “Afterimage: Dangdai Yishu,” July 3 2019 +  Artnet News, “Art Industry News: Artist Xaviera Simmons Says Critics Got This Year’s Whitney Biennial Totally, Offensively Wrong + Other Stories,” July 3 2019 +  Arteviste, “A Review of Afterimage: Dangdai Yishu at Lisson Gallery, London,” July 10 2019

+  Because London, “Your July Agenda,” July 11 2019

+  CoBo Social, “Witness to Growth – After Image: Dangdai Yishu at London’s Lisson Gallery,” July 23 2019

+  YT Media, “How to Situate Chinese Contemporary Art Historically,” August 2 2019 +  Gallery Girl, “Afterimage: Dangdai Yishu @ Lisson,” August 7 2019

+  Ian the Architect, Ian Caldwell, “Changing Chinese Cultures: ‘Afterimage: Dangdai Yishu’ at Lisson Gallery.” August 8 2019 +  ArtAsiaPacific, Ned Carter Miles, “Afterimage: Dangdai Yishu,” August 14 2019

+  Metal Magazine, “Afterimage: Dangdai Yishu Existing, Neither Between Time Nor Space,” August 15 2019

Exhibition: Haroon Mirza: Tones in the Key of Electricity (2019)

+ ARTFORUM, (in print) Travis Jeppesen, “Haroon Mirza, SIFANG ART MUSEUM,’” ARTFORUM, Dec, 2019

+  ARTFORUM, Yang Yang, “Haroon Mirza on ‘Tones in the Key of Electricity,’” ARTFORUM, June 18, 2019

+ArtShard Magazine,  ‘There is no “Benjamin’s aura” in this world’, by Xingru Long, Haroon Mirza, July 5, 2019

+ The Art Newspaper, “Moving through the sound environment of 50 Hz in Sifang, Haroon Mirza discusses the meaning of ‘replica’ and ‘appropriation’ in China,” TANC, June 14, 2019

Exhibition: Richard Tuttle: Introduction To Practice (2019)

+ Artsy, “Richard Tuttle: Introduction To Practice”, Artsy

+ BLOUIN ARTINFO“Richard Tuttle’s ‘Double Corners and Colored Wood’ at Pace Gallery, Beijing,” BLOUIN ARTINFO, Mar 28, 2019

+ NetEase Art“Exhibition: On Richard Tuttle’s ‘Art for Life’  展讯:聚焦于理查德·塔特尔“为生活而艺术,”NetEase Art, Mar 19, 2019

+ “Richard Tuttle | The Opening of His Survey Exhibition in M Woods and Pace Gallery Beijing 理查德·塔特尔| 回顾展暨新作展于木木美术馆与佩斯画廊同期开幕,” Kuyishi, Mar 18, 2019

+ The Art Newspaper, by Meng Xianhui, “Richard Tuttle’s Returning as A Gift to Beijing, On the Metaphysics of Treatise on Stars and Rope Piece 理查德·塔特尔给北京的回赠,《繁星论》与《绳索》如何通向形而上,” The Art Newspaper,  Mar 18, 2019

+ VICE, by Lu Ran, “Richard Tuttle: Creation, Life, and Wisdom 理查德·塔特尔:创作、生活和智慧,” VICE, Mar 15, 2019

+ Shu Art“理查德·塔特尔:极简主义解决一切问题但是无法解决背景问题,” Shu Art, Mar 18, 2019

Exhibition: PHOTOFAIRS SHANGHAI, The Same But Also Changed (Wùshìrénfēi) (2018)

Financial Times, by Tom Seymour, ‘Delayed exposure: contemporary photography in China’, Financial Times, AUGUST 17, 2018

Artsy, by Sam Gaskin, “Banned in 1999, a Legendary Chinese Photography Show Is Restaged”, Artsy, Sept 18, 2018

The Artling, by Grace Ignacia See, ‘An Interview with Victor Wang王宗孚, Curator of the Upcoming 'Insights' Exhibition at PHOTOFAIRS, Shanghai’ The Artling, August 13, 2018

Exhibition: Institute of Asian Performance Art (2018)

+ Artforum, China, review of ‘Institute of Asian Performance Art‘ by Ying-Hsuan Tai, Dec 11 2018

+ ArtAsiaPacific Magazine, by CHRISTIE WONG

Exhibition: Zhongguo 2185 (2017)

+ BBC WORLD SERVICE, The Cultural Frontline, inteview with Presenter Tina Daheley and Victor Wang (Starts at 7.min)

+ ArtReview, by Mingwei Song, October Issue, 2017 

+ Time Out London4 Stars for Time Out. Eddy Frankel, ‘Zhongguo 2815’, Time Out London, 29 September 2017

+ ArtAsiaPacificPiers Masterson, ‘Zhongguo 2185’, ArtAsiaPacific, 23 October 2017

+ GARAGENiru Ratnam, ‘What Does the Future Hold for Chinese Art?’, GARAGE, 09 October 2017

+‘The debut of China’s new generation of artists has been hotly discussed in London Frieze’, Tatler, 11 October 2017

+ TANC | “徐震超市”伦敦“开业”,《中国2185》同时登场 The Art Newspaper, 采访、撰文/傅译文,

+ Cura Magazine“ZHONGGUO 2185 AND XU ZHEN AT SADIE COLES, LONDON“, Cura Magazine, 12 October 2017

+ Blouin Art Info‘"Zhongguo 2185," a Group Exhibition Curated by Victor Wang at Sadie Coles, London’, Blouin Art Info, 11 October 2017

Exhibition: Rehearsals from the Korean Avant-Garde Performance Archive (2017)

The Economist, 'When South Korea was poor, repressive—and super-cool', July 11th 2017
by J.U.S.


ArtReview Asia Magazine, Autumn 2017, ‘Rehearsals from the Korean Avant-Garde Performance Archive’ at Korean Cultural Center, London, by Fi Churchman

+ The Guardian, ‘Korea's avant garde go nuclear – in pictures’, Thursday 17 August 2017

Exhibition: Neil Beloufa Soft(a)ware (2016) 

Frieze, ‘Critic's Guide: Shanghai’, BY ALVIN LI, 08 Nov 2016

Art Radar Journal, ‘French-Algerian artist Neïl Beloufa’s “Soft(a)ware” at K11 Art Foundation’ – artist profile, by Rebecca Close, Nov 2016

The Art Newspaper, ‘TANC | 以数码艺术叙写新世界:关小、尼尔·贝卢法个展与“HACK SPACE”在chi K11开幕’,

最独特的当代艺术展——关小:弹性睡眠/Neïl Beloufa:软.见&hack space即将全新开幕

Exhibition: XUZHEN Supermarket (2017) 

+ The Art Newspaper , Jane Morris and Hannah McGivern, ‘Three to See: London’, for The Art Newspaper featuring XUZHEN      Supermarket and Zhongguo 2185.

+‘Why is it crowded in a supermarket selling vacant packages in London?’, Hertz, 10 October 2017

+The Art Newspaper China, XUZHEN Supermarket opens in London, and at the same time Zhongguo 2185 is staged’, The Art Newspaper China, 04 October 2017

+ TANC | “徐震超市”伦敦“开业”,《中国2185》同时登场 The Art Newspaper, 采访、撰文/傅译文,

+ Cura Magazine“ZHONGGUO 2185 AND XU ZHEN AT SADIE COLES, LONDON“, Cura Magazine, 12 October 2017

+ The Saces, 9 installations to catch when Frieze London comes to town, ART, Sept 29, 2017, By ELLIE HOWARD

+ XUZHEN SUPERMARKET, Whitelies Magazine,, October, 2017

Exhibition: Katja Novitskova: 洛基的城堡  (2017) 

+ Vice China - The Creators Project

+ The Art Newspaper China

《Cc艺术打造全新海洋美学:带你去看“洛基的城堡”》, 2017.09.11

Exhibition: Oliver Laric: Giving Away the Moulds Will Cause No Damage to His Majesty’s Casts

This is tomorrow contemporary art magazine, ‘Oliver Laric: Giving Away the Moulds Will Cause No Damage to His Majesty’s Casts’, Review by Debra Lennard, Published on 2 June 2015

International Sculpture Centre, By Will Gresson, ’Oliver Laric, ‘Giving Away the Moulds Will Cause No Damage to His Majesty’s Casts’, June, 2015

Artspace Magazine, ‘Oliver Laric Exalts the Ersatz in His New Show at London's Austrian Cultural Forum’, By Mat Smith, MAY 21, 2015

All content property of © Victor Wang 2009 - 2024 All rights reserved -- BEIJING - LONDON.