Institute of Asian Performance Art: Tokyo
TOKAS Project Vol.1
日/中/韓パフォーマンスとメディア 70's - 90's
Artist:IDEMITSU Mako 出光真子 (Japan) | ZHANG Peili ジャン・ペイリー (China) | PARK Hyunki パク・ヒョンギ (South Korea)
Curator: Victor WANG ヴィクター・ワン
Organize:Tokyo Arts and Space トーキョーアーツアンドスペース本郷
(Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture)
Cooperation:Boers-Li Gallery, Gallery Hyundai, The Estate of Park Hyunki, Tokyo University of the Arts, David Roberts Art Foundation (DRAF)
Venue:Tokyo Arts and Space Hongo
Date:2018.10.13 - 2018.11.11
The Institute of Asian Performance Art (IAPA) has entered into a collaboration with Tokyo Art and Space (TOKAS) in Tokyo to conduct a study on the influence of Asian artists on the evolution of video as an art form. The research will focus on the experimental techniques employed by pioneering video artists from China, Korea, and Japan during the 1970s to 1990s.
Video art is a medium that embodies both material and immaterial qualities. Its genealogy is complex and has spawned numerous branches and parallels around the world, with characteristics and beginnings that often connect it more appropriately to the other temporal arts of music, performance, dance, theatre, and cinema.[1] As the medium and format of video art are intimately linked to technological advancements that do not originate from the European art-historical tradition or an identifiable critical discourse as an art medium, artists from Japan, Korea, and China have been able to cultivate and refine their own distinctive aesthetics and methods of video production outside of a Western narrative, and in vastly dissimilar political and societal contexts.

ZHANG Peili , 30x30 , single channel video, (32'9") 1988,
installation view, Institute of Asian Performance Art: Tokyo
installation view, Institute of Asian Performance Art: Tokyo
Divided into three solo presentations between the three TOKAS Hongo galleries, the exhibition looks at the inter-regional dialogues occurring in East Asia, and the unique approaches to the medium that were developed by pioneering artists Park Hyun-Ki, Zhang Peili, and, Mako Idemitsu.
Influential Korean video artist Park Hyun-Ki not only helped to introduce video art to the local Korean art scene [2]but also developed a distinctive body of work that incorporated performance, and sculpture, informed by Eastern philosophy and culture. This includes pieces such as Media as Translators 1982, both a performance and installation in nature, the event removed the domestic television from its usual setting and incorporating it into an outdoor event lasting several hours that subverted its commercial function while confronting ideas of ritual, landscape, de-materiality and Minimalism from a Eastern context. Examining a type of fluidity between nature and technology. In Video Inclining Water, (1979), performed for the 1979 São Paulo Biennale, Park tilted a video monitor displaying an image of water in different directions to give the illusion that the monitor was filled with water. Moving between image, site, nature and body, monitors were often used as performative devices and as material, as extensions of the medium and the content displayed, to be incorporated both within the white cube and outside of it.

ZHANG Peili , 30x30 , single channel video, (32'9") 1988

Installation view, Institute of Asian Performance Art: Tokyo , photo: TAKAHASHI Kenji Photo courtesy: Tokyo Arts and Space, 2018

ZHANG Peili, Personal Hygiene , 3 channel video; 3 monitors, pilled up (5'49"), 1998
, installation view, Institute of Asian Performance Art: Tokyo
The rise of portable video technology in the 1960s and ’70s in Asia, such as the introduction of the Sony ‘Portapak’ in 1967-8 and the development of the VHS format, was key in placing the tools of the medium in the hands of the artists and cultural producers in the region. In the case of China, even without a developed art market or much interrelation with Euro-America, artists had been producing video works years before Western video art was ‘systematically introduced to China…in 1992’.[3]Prior to this time there were strict entry regulations in force in China in relation to foreign media and art content.
Zhang Peili, considered as the first Chinese artist to work in video, manipulates viewpoint and framing, and in particular a sense of time, to create unconventional recordings of repeated specific banal actions, such as breaking glass, washing and shaving or scratching oneself, over long durations or looped across several monitors. Peili was an early proponent of conceptual art in China, and works like 30x30 (1988), widely recognised as the first work of video art by a Chinese artist, have at their centre an investigation – through the meticulous and monotonous task of repeatedly breaking a 30-by-30-centimetre mirror, and gluing it back together – into a complex form of time manipulation through video technology. Which also, in part, asks questions about the performative function in early video art. In speaking about the work Peili says that he “wanted to do something and say something about video, but I felt that I was also doing a performance”. The work is a recording of a live event with no audience, an approach that he describes as being both “video and performance”.[4]

Gallery 2, IDEMITSU Mako, installation view, Institute of Asian Performance Art: Tokyo , photo: TAKAHASHI Kenji Photo courtesy: Tokyo Arts and Space, 2018
Pioneering Japanese artist Mako Idemitsu is often credited as an ‘important precursor to feminist art in Japan’.[5]Experimenting with film and video art since the 1970s, Idemitsu often examines the domestic as gendered space in Japanese society, for example in her work ‘Another Day of a Housewife’, 1977, the home, becomes a site of domestic labor and physiological suppression of Japanese women. Often in her video works a television monitor is present as a symbolic subjectivity, or external protagonist, watching as the housewife performs daily tasks. Works such as ‘The Marriage of Yasushi’, 1986, explore how the personal, and the private space within Japanese households set the stage for family dynamics and the interrelationships between, for example, mother and son, wife and husband, and the division of labor based on gender to be formulated and reinforced. Works such as these also comment on a specific social condition that has developed in Japan since the mid-1960s, one that has simultaneously functioned as both a ‘domestic support unit’ that has helped sustain the expansion and high growth of the economy in Japan[6], while dividing the labour roles between men and women in society.

IDEMITSU Mako, ‘Another Day of a Housewife’, video (9'50"), 1977 , Institute of Asian Performance Art: Tokyo , photo: TAKAHASHI Kenji Photo courtesy: Tokyo Arts and Space, 2018

Institute of Asian Performance Art: Tokyo , photo: TAKAHASHI Kenji Photo courtesy: Tokyo Arts and Space, 2018

installation view, Institute of Asian Performance Art: Tokyo
In contrast, by moving between the practices of artists working in video in Asia, in the cultural sphere Asian video histories are increasingly being recognised as a networked constellation of social, political, economic, technological and historical concerns and relations, meeting and weaving together at different points and times to construct a wider dialogue and links within the region, often confirming unique origins and approaches to the medium, offering new ways of connecting these histories and practices with the wider world.

Gallery 3, PARK Hyunki, installation view, Institute of Asian Performance Art: Tokyo , photo: TAKAHASHI Kenji Photo courtesy: Tokyo Arts and Space, 2018

PARK Hyunki,’Video Inclining Water’, photo documentation of the performance, 1979, Institute of Asian Performance Art: Tokyo , photo: TAKAHASHI Kenji Photo courtesy: Tokyo Arts and Space, 2018

installation view, Institute of Asian Performance Art: Tokyo, photo: TAKAHASHI Kenji Photo courtesy: Tokyo Arts and Space, 2018

PARK Hyunki, ‘Media as Translators’ , photo documentation (June. 26-27, 1982), 1982, installation view, Institute of Asian Performance Art: Tokyo , photo: TAKAHASHI Kenji Photo courtesy: Tokyo Arts and Space, 2018

PARK Hyunki, ‘Media as Translators’ , photo documentation (June. 26-27, 1982), 1982

PARK Hyunki,‘Pass Through the City’ , film documentation, 1981, installation view, Institute of Asian Performance Art: Tokyo , photo: TAKAHASHI Kenji Photo courtesy: Tokyo Arts and Space, 2018

PARK Hyunki,‘Pass Through the City’ , film documentation, 1981, installation view, Institute of Asian Performance Art: Tokyo , photo: TAKAHASHI Kenji Photo courtesy: Tokyo Arts and Space, 2018
PARK Hyunki,‘Pass Through the City’ ,documentation, 1981

PARK Hyunki,‘Pass Through the City’ ,documentation, 1981

PARK Hyunki,‘Pass Through the City’ , film documentation, 1981, Institute of Asian Performance Art: Tokyo , photo: TAKAHASHI Kenji Photo courtesy: Tokyo Arts and Space, 2018

Institute of Asian Performance Art: Tokyo
TOKAS Project Vol.1
Artist:IDEMITSU Mako (Japan), ZHANG Peili (China), PARK Hyunki (South Korea)
Curator: Victor WANG
[1] Chris Meigh-Andrews, A History of Video Art, Part 1, 2nd. edn. (New York: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2014).
[2] National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea Press release, ‘Park Hyun-Ki Mandala’, January 27–May 25, 2015, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea” (Korea: NMMCA, 2015)
[3] Barbara Pollack, ‘Breaking and Entering: In His Videos, Zhang Peili Destroys and Restores to ‘Capture and Emphasize Time”’, ARTnews (5 May 2017).
[4] Pollack.
[5] Norio Nishijima, ‘Myth of the Heart: The Film and Video World of Mako Idemitsu’,http://makoidemitsu.com/myth-of-the-heart-by-norio-nishijima/?lang=en, accessed April 12, 2018
[6] Hiroko Hagiwara, ‘A Bright, Shiny, Fabricated Family Life Mothers, Sons, and Daughters in the Work of Mako Idemitsu’, http://makoidemitsu.com/a-bright-shiny-fabricated-family-life/?lang=en, accessed April 18, 2018
た影響、そして中国や韓国、日本の先駆的なビデオアーティストたちが1970 年代から1990 年代にか
TOKAS 本郷で実施する本展覧会では、東アジアにおける地域間の対話と、パク・ヒョンギ、ジャン・
的な作品を作り出した。パフォーマンスとインスタレーションに自然を取り入れた作品《Media as
Translators(翻訳者としてのメディア)》(1982 年)では、通常、家の中にあるテレビを、数時間にわた
1979 年のサンパウロ・ビエンナーレで発表された《Video Inclining Water(ビデオ 傾く水)》で、パク
1967 ~ 68 年のソニー・ポータパックの登場やVHS 方式の開発など、アジアにおける1960 年代から
70 年代のポータブル・ビデオ・テクノロジーの台頭は、この地域のアーティストやクリエーターたちが
係にも乏しい状況の中、アーティストたちは西洋のビデオアートが「1992 年に体系的に中国に紹介
よる初のビデオアート作品として広く知られている《30x30 》(1988 年)では、30 センチ四方の鏡を
出光真子は、「日本におけるフェミニスト・アートの重要な先駆者」と評価されている5。1970 年代
い場所として、家庭を取り上げている。例えば、《主婦の一日》(1977 年)では、家庭は、日本女性にとっ
場する。《やすしの結婚》(1986 年)では、日本の世帯のなかで個人の私的な空間が、どのように家族
づく労働分担が、どのように定められ、凝り固まっていくのかを探っている。これらの作品は、1960 年
1 Chris MEIGH-ANDREWS, A History of Video Art , Part 1, 2nd edn. (New York: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2014).
2 National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea Press release, ‘Park Hyunki Mandala’,
January 27-May 25, 2015, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea (Korea: NMMCA, 2015).
3 Barbara POLLACK,‘Breaking and Entering: In His Videos, Zhang Peili Destroys and Restores to“Capture and Emphasize
Time ”’, ARTnews (5 May 2017).
5 西嶋 憲生「心の神話 出光真子の映像世界」
(http://makoidemitsu.com/myth-of-the-heart-by-norio-nishijima/?lang=en,accessed April 12, 2018 )
6 萩原 弘子「白々と明るいつくりものの家庭 ― 出光作品の母・息子・娘 」
(http://makoidemitsu.com/a-bright-shiny-fabricated-family-life/?lang=en,accessed April 18, 2018)
All content property of © Victor Wang 2009 - 2024 All rights reserved -- BEIJING - LONDON.
All content property of © Victor Wang 2009 - 2024 All rights reserved -- BEIJING - LONDON.